How it works

Our process is wildly simple.

1. Pick a customer or employee to spotlight

The first step is to pick the customer or employee you'd like to feature in the testimonial. We suggest someone who's had a positive experience with your brand and what you're looking to showcase. Once you've picked someone, you can invite them to schedule a remote interview with our easy calendar link.

2. Join the remote interview

Once your participant schedules a remote interview, you'll be invited to join as well. We like interviews to be light, fun, and easy.  To you and participants, the remote interview will feel like a standard video call, but in the background our software is capturing high quality audio and video right from the source.

Our producers will start the interview by making sure the video looks and sounds great. Then we'll ask your employee or customer a few questions based on our research of your brand. You'll also have time to ask any questions you'd like to make sure the video theme is on point.

3. Review your campaign

You'll receive a first draft of your new campaign in about 2 business days after your remote interview. With the quick review link, you can easily leave time-stamped comments for any changes or revisions you need. Once your project is approved, you'll receive a link to download all of your finished campaign assets.

Remote Testimonial Videos

Your brand has stories worth telling.